How do people find time to cook? While I was at uni I loved to cook and bake, experimenting with ingredients and trying to recreate dishes I’d seen in films. But since I started working full time, the last few years I’ve found cooking a real struggle. Especially in the winter when by the time I leave work it’s dark and the last thing I want to do when I get in is spend hours concocting new recipes.
But I miss it. I miss stirring melting chocolate on the hob and watching through the oven door as food is bubbling away. So my aim is to cook one new recipe a week, which doesn’t seem like much but we usually eat pasta, pizza and soup – although it is homemade soup as it’s so quick and easy to whip up.
I was perusing Twitter when I saw a promoted tweet by Tesco with a rather yummy looking recipe for healthy fish and chips. It looked pretty simple with not many ingredients so I thought why not, it’s worth a go.
How to make fish & chips healthier? Baked white fish & sweet potato wedges #OneLittleChange — Tesco Food (@TescoFood)
Before Christmas my Grandad had given me a parsley plant which has thrived by living outside ignored and hasn’t been killed off by the frost. I don’t usually cook with it so it’s nice to be finally giving it a trim. I had most of the other ingredients in the cupboard so just picked up some cod and a sweet potato.

After cooking this I realised I’m not the biggest fan of cod, it’s a bit bland, but it felt healthy and my body is definitely in need of some nutrients. The sweet potato chips on the other hand were delicious! I’ve made them before and sometimes I prefer them to chips.. although curly fries with cheese is irresistible. Or any chips with cheese is, this dish needed more cheese – although that’s not particularly healthy is it.